Changes on the labor legislation

Changes on the labor legislation

The new measures on the labor standard were adopted in June 12, 2018.

Weeks of vacation

The employee will be entitled to 3 weeks of paid leave after 3 years of service with the same employer.
Before these measures the employee had accumulated 5 years of service. The measure comes into effect on January 01, 2019.

Psychological harassment
Sexual acts are now officially included in the definition of psychological harassment. The deadline for lodging a complaint with the CNESST is extended to 2 years instead of 90 days. This measure comes into force on June 12, 2018. The employer has the obligation to have the psychological harassment proceedings in force since January 1, 2019.

Leave in case of death of a relative

The employee will be entitled to 5 days of leave, including 2 paid days, not one as before. This measure comes into effect on January 01, 2019.

Payment by bank transfer

The employer no longer needs the employee’s consent to pay by bank transfer. This measure comes into effect on June 12, 2018

Author: lilia.chiper